Sunday, October 10, 2010

Syaheeda & Hazmin-Majlis Pernikahan

hello reader,

quite sometime i didnt update my blog. Actually i did upload the pictures a few days after the event. i did upload the pictures at facebook (fb). fb got more traffic and just within a few minuates after i posted the pictures, already floaded with all the comments. thats make me more excited..yeah compare at here. but then, i still need to upload here as this is where all my portfolio collection.

well, 10.10.10 is really a hot date for all those wanted their wedding dates rite ;). so do my beloved frens, syaheeda. she did booked me earlier for her BIG day. yeay, i am really honored the get her trust being the official wedding photographer. plus, last year i did fly to Kelate to cover her sister wedding and again this year indeed. i love Kota Bharu and yes that what make to love photography as i got the opportunity to travel various place.

congrats again Daa & Mmbek..u guys secocok'! great hospitality that i can never forget during my stay at Kelate. What more can i say..enjoy the pictures:

Location : Wakaf Bharu, Kelantan

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